I read that Sun
tries another approach to sharing Java today. They apparently are
starting something called “GlassFish” which is somehow a window into
their development process.
Actually from the article it is hard to tell whether this is a new
effort or just the same old one with a new label. But, like many
others, I don’t care any more. I think, at long last, we’re reaching
the point of exhaustion — we’re all tired of seeing Sun’s orbit
slowly decay toward free software without ever actually reaching it.
Also, I find I’m experiencing a kind of brand confusion, with the many
different licenses and approaches that I’ve heard about. It is hard
to keep them straight, and pointless to try.
I don’t know why Sun does these goofy things… they aren’t going
to open their implementation, which is fine. Nobody is really fooled
by their attempts to get folks to help them without getting real
rights in return. The free community and Sun simply have different
desires on this point. Why try to be other than what you really are?
As for IBM: time to step up to the Harmony plate. For instance,
we think you can help us finish Classpath :-). Petitioning Sun for
(our kind of) openness is a proven waste of effort.