Archive for the ‘Emacs’ Category

Emacs JIT Calling Convention

I’ve been working a bit more on my Emacs JIT, in particular on improving function calling.  This has been a fun project so I thought I’d talk about it a bit.


Under the hood, the Emacs Lisp implementation has a few different ways to call functions.  Calls to or from Lisp are dispatched depending on what is being called:

  • For an interpreted function, the arguments are bound and then the interpreter is called;
  • For a byte-compiled function using dynamic binding, the arguments are bound and then the bytecode interpreter is called;
  • For a byte-compiled function using lexical binding, an array of arguments is passed to the bytecode interpreter;
  • For a function implemented in C (called a “subr” internally), up to 8 arguments are supported directly — as in, C functions of the form f(arg,arg,...); for more than that, an array of arguments is passed and the function itself must decide which slot means what.  That is, there are exactly 10 forms of subr (actually there are 11 but the one missing from this description is used for special forms, which we don’t need to think about here).

Oh, let’s just show the definition so you can read for yourself:

union {
Lisp_Object (*a0) (void);
Lisp_Object (*a1) (Lisp_Object);
Lisp_Object (*a2) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
Lisp_Object (*a3) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
Lisp_Object (*a4) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
Lisp_Object (*a5) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
Lisp_Object (*a6) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
Lisp_Object (*a7) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
Lisp_Object (*a8) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
Lisp_Object (*aUNEVALLED) (Lisp_Object args);
Lisp_Object (*aMANY) (ptrdiff_t, Lisp_Object *);
} function;

Initial Approach

Initially the JIT worked like a lexically-bound bytecode function: an array of arguments was passed to the JIT-compiled function.  The JIT compiler emitted a bunch of code to decode the arguments.

For Lisp functions taking a fixed number of arguments, this wasn’t too bad — just moving values from fixed slots in the array to fixed values in the IR.

Handling optional arguments was a bit uglier, involving a series of checks and branches, so that un-bound arguments could correctly be set to nil.  These were done something like:

if nargs < 1 goto nope1
arg0 = array[0]
if nargs < 2 goto nope2
arg1 = array[1]
goto first_bytecode
nope1: arg0 = nil
nope2: arg1 = nil
first_bytecode: ...

&rest arguments were even a bit worse, requiring a call to create a list.  (This, I think, can’t be avoided without a much smarter compiler, one that would notice when reifying the list could be avoided.)

Note that calling also has to use the fully generic approach: we make a temporary array of arguments, then call a C function (Ffuncall) that does the dispatching to the callee.  This is also a source of inefficiency.


Recently, I changed the JIT from this approach to use the equivalent of the subr calling convention.  Now, any function with 8 or fewer (non-&rest) arguments is simply an ordinary function of N arguments, and we let the already-existing C code deal with optional arguments.

Although this often makes the generated assembly simpler, it won’t actually perform any better — the same work is still being done, just somewhere else.  However, this approach does use a bit less memory (most JIT-compiled functions are shorter); and it opens the door to an even bigger improvement.

The Future

What I’m implementing now is an approach to removing most of the overhead from JIT-compiled function calls.

Now, ideally what I’d like is to have every call site work “like C”: move the arguments to exactly where the callee expects them to be, and then call.  However, while looking at this I found some problems that make it tricky:

  • We still need to be able to call Lisp functions from C, so we’re limited to, at best, subr-style calling conventions;
  • While &rest arguments are straightforward (in our simple compiler, somebody just has to make the list); &optional arguments don’t have a good C-like analog.  The callee could push extra arguments, but…
  • In Lisp, a function can be redefined at any time, and it is fine to change the function’s signature.

Consider this example:

(defun callee (x &optional y) (list x y))
(defun caller (callee 23))
(defun callee (x) (list x))

Now, if we compiled caller with a direct call, it would turn out like (callee 23 nil).  But then, after the redefinition, we’d have to recompile caller.  Note this can go the other way as well — we could redefine callee to have more optional arguments, or even more fixed arguments (meaning that the call should now throw an exception).

Recompiling isn’t such a big deal, right?  The compiler is set up very naively: it just compiles every function that is invoked, and in this mode “recompilation” is equivalent to “just abandon the compiled code”.

Except… what do you do if caller is being run when callee is redefined?  Whoops!

Actually, of course, this is a known issue in JIT compilation, and one possible solution is “on-stack replacement” (“OSR”) — recompiling a function while it is running.

This to me seemed like a lot of bookkeeping, though: keeping a list of which functions to compile when some function was redefined, and figuring out a decent way to implement OSR.

The Plan

Instead I came up a with a simpler approach, involving — you guessed it — indirection.

On the callee side, I am going to keep the subr calling convention that is in place today.  This isn’t ideal in all cases, but it is reasonable for a lot of code.  Instead, all the changes will take place at spots where the JIT emits a call.

I am planning to have three kinds of function calls in the JIT:

  1. Indirect.  If we see some code where we can’t determine the callee, we’ll emit a call via Ffuncall like we do today.
  2. Fully direct.  There are some functions that are implemented in C, and that I think are unreasonable to redefine.  For these, we’ll just call the C function directly.  Another fully-direct case is where the code dispatches to a byte-code vector coming from the function’s constant pool — here, there’s no possibility to redefine the function, so we can simply always call the JIT-compiled form.
  3. Semi-direct.  This will be the convention used when JIT-compiled code calls via a symbol.

The core idea of a semi-direct call is to have multiple possible implementations of a function:

  • One “true” implementation.  If the function has 8 or fewer arguments (of any kind), it will simply have that many arguments.  The JIT will simply pretend that an optional argument is fixed.  If it has more than 8 arguments, following the subr convention it will just accept an array of arguments.
  • If the function has optional or rest arguments, there will be trampoline implementations with fewer arguments, that simply supply the required number of additional arguments and then call the true implementation.
  • Remember how there are exactly 10 relevant kinds of subr?  Any forms not covered by the above can simply throw an exception.

A vector of function pointers will be attached to each symbol, and so the JIT-compiled code can simply load the function pointer from the appropriate slot (a single load — the nice thing about a JIT is we can simply hard-code the correct address).

Then, when a function is redefined, we simply define any of the trampolines that are required as well.  We won’t even need to define all of them — only the ones that some actually-existing call site has needed.

Of course, no project like this is complete without a rathole, which is why instead of doing this I’m actually working on writing a compiler pre-pass so that the compiler itself can have the appropriate information about the callee at the point of call.  This sub-project turns out to feel a lot like writing a Java bytecode verifier…

Further Future

Currently the JIT is only used for lexically-bound bytecode functions.  That’s a reasonable restriction, I think — so one thing we should do is make sure that more of the Emacs core is using lexical binding.  Currently, only about 1/3 of the Lisp files in Emacs enable this feature; but many more easily could.

Once my current project is done, the JIT will have a decent calling convention by default.  Since we’ll have information about callees at points of call, I think it will be a good time to look into inlining.  This will require tackling recompilation (and perhaps OSR) and having some sort of tiered optimization approach.  There is still a lot for me to learn here — when does it make sense to inline?  And what metrics should I use to decide when some code is hot enough to optimize?  So, good times head even once the current project is done; and BTW if you have a reading list for any of this I would love to hear about it.

Once this is done, well, I have more ideas for even deeper JIT improvements.  Those will have to wait for another post.

JIT Compilation for Emacs

There have been a few efforts at writing an Emacs JIT — the original one, Burton Samograd’s, and also Nick LLoyd’s. So, what else to do except write my own?

Like the latter two, I based mine on GNU libjit. I did look at a few other JIT libraries: LLVM, gcc-jit, GNU Lightning, MyJit.  libjit seemed like a nice middle ground between a JIT with heavy runtime costs (LLVM, GCC) and one that is too lightweight (Lightning).

All of these Emacs JITs work by compiling bytecode to native code.  Now, I don’t actually think that is the best choice — it’s just the easiest — but my other project to do a more complete job in this area isn’t really ready to be released.  So bytecode it is.

Emacs implements a somewhat weird stack-based bytecode.  Many ordinary things are there, but seemingly obvious stack operations like “swap” do not exist; and there are bytecodes for very specialized Emacs operations like forward-char or point-max.

Samograd describes his implementation as “compiling down the spine”.  What he means by this is that the body of each opcode is implemented by some C function, and the JIT compiler emits, essentially, a series of subroutine calls.  This used to be called “jsr threading” in the olden days, though maybe it has some newer names by now.

Of course, we can do better than this, and Lloyd’s JIT does.  His emits instructions for the bodies of most bytecodes, deferring only a few to helper functions.  This is a better approach because many of these operations are only one or two instructions.

However, his approach takes a wrong turn by deferring stack operations to the compiled code.  For example, in this JIT, the Bdiscard opcode, which simply drops some items from the stack, is implemented as:

 CASE (Bdiscard):
   JIT_INC (ctxt.stack, -sizeof (Lisp_Object));

It turns out, though, that this isn’t needed — at least, for the bytecode generated by the Emacs byte-compiler, the stack depth at any given PC is a constant.  This means that the stack adjustments can be done at compile time, not runtime, leading to a performance boost.  So, the above opcode doesn’t need to emit code at all.

(And, if you’re worried about hand-crafted bytecode, it’s easy to write a little bytecode verifier to avoid JIT-compiling invalid things.  Though of course you shouldn’t worry, since you can already crash Emacs with bad bytecode.)

So, naturally, my implementation does not do this extra work.  And, it inlines more operations besides.


I’ve only enabled the JIT for bytecode that uses lexical binding.  There isn’t any problem enabling it everywhere, I just figured it probably isn’t that useful, and so I didn’t bother.


The results are pretty good.  First of all, I have it set up to automatically JIT compile every function, and this doesn’t seem any slower than ordinary Emacs, and it doesn’t crash.

Using the “silly-loop” example from the Emacs Lisp manual, with lexical binding enabled, I get these results:

Mode Time
Interpreted 4.48
Byte compiled 0.91
JIT 0.26

This is essentially the best case for this JIT, though.

Future Directions

I have a few ideas for how to improve the performance of the generated code.  One way to look at this is to look at Emacs’ own C code, to see what advantages it has over JIT-compiled code.  There are really three: cheaper function calls, inlining, and unboxing.

Calling a function in Emacs Lisp is quite expensive.  A call from the JIT requires marshalling the arguments into an array, then calling Ffuncall; which then might dispatch to a C function (a “subr”), the bytecode interpreter, or the ordinary interpreter.  In some cases this may require allocation.

This overhead applies to nearly every call — but the C implementation of Emacs is free to call various primitive functions directly, without using Ffuncall to indirect through some Lisp symbol.

Now, these direct calls aren’t without a cost: they prevent the modification of some functions from Lisp.  Sometimes this is a pain (it might be handy to hack on load from Lisp), but in many cases it is unimportant.

So, one idea for the JIT is to keep a list of such functions and then emit direct calls rather than indirect ones.

Even better than this would be to improve the calling convention so that all calls are less expensive.  However, because a function can be redefined with different arguments, it is tricky to see how to do this efficiently.

In the Emacs C code, many things are inlined that still aren’t inlined in the JIT — just look through lisp.h for all the inline functions (and/or macros, lisp.h is “unusual”).  Many of these things could be done in the JIT, though in some cases it might be more work than it is worth.

Even better, but also even more difficult, would be inlining from one bytecode function into another.  High-performance JITs do this when they notice a hot spot in the code.

Finally, unboxing.  In the Emacs C code, it’s relatively normal to type-check Lisp objects and then work solely in terms of their C analogues after that point.  This is more efficient because it hoists the tag manipulations.  Some work like this could be done automatically, by writing optimization passes for libjit that work on libjit’s internal representation of functions.

Getting the Code

The code is on the libjit branch in my Emacs repository on github.  You’ll have to build your own libjit, too, and if you want to avoid hacking on the Emacs Makefile, you will need my fork of libjit that adds pkg-config files.

Emacs hint for Firefox hacking

I started hacking on firefox recently. And, of course, I’ve configured emacs a bit to make hacking on it more pleasant.

The first thing I did was create a .dir-locals.el file with some customizations. Most of the tree has local variable settings in the source files — but some are missing and it is useful to set some globally. (Whether they are universally correct is another matter…)

Also, I like to use bug-reference-url-mode. What this does is automatically highlight references to bugs in the source code. That is, if you see “bug #1050501”, it will be buttonized and you can click (or C-RET) and open the bug in the browser. (The default regexp doesn’t capture quite enough references so my settings hack this too; but I filed an Emacs bug for it.)

I put my .dir-locals.el just above my git checkout, so I don’t end up deleting it by mistake. It should probably just go directly in-tree, but I haven’t tried to do that yet. Here’s that code:

 ;; Generic settings.
 (nil .
      ;; See C-h f bug-reference-prog-mode, e.g, for using this.
      ((bug-reference-url-format . "")
       (bug-reference-bug-regexp . "\\([Bb]ug ?#?\\|[Pp]atch ?#\\|RFE ?#\\|PR [a-z-+]+/\\)\\([0-9]+\\(?:#[0-9]+\\)?\\)")))

 ;; The built-in javascript mode.
 (js-mode .
     ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
      (js-indent-level . 2)))

 (c++-mode .
	   ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
	    (c-basic-offset . 2)))

 (idl-mode .
	   ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
	    (c-basic-offset . 2)))


In programming modes I enable bug-reference-prog-mode. This enables highlighting only in comments and strings. This would easily be done from prog-mode-hook, but I made my choice of minor modes depend on the major mode via find-file-hook.

I’ve also found that it is nice to enable this minor mode in diff-mode and log-view-mode. This way you get bug references in diffs and when viewing git logs. The code ends up like:

(defun tromey-maybe-enable-bug-url-mode ()
  (and (boundp 'bug-reference-url-format)
       (stringp bug-reference-url-format)
       (if (or (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
	       (eq major-mode 'tcl-mode)	;emacs 23 bug
	       (eq major-mode 'makefile-mode)) ;emacs 23 bug
	   (bug-reference-prog-mode t)
	 (bug-reference-mode t))))

(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'tromey-maybe-enable-bug-url-mode)
(add-hook 'log-view-mode-hook #'tromey-maybe-enable-bug-url-mode)
(add-hook 'diff-mode-hook #'tromey-maybe-enable-bug-url-mode)

Emacs Modules

I’ve been working on an odd Emacs package recently — not ready for release — which has turned into more than the usual morass of prefixed names and double hyphens.

So, I took another look at Nic Ferrier’s namespace proposal.

Suddenly it didn’t seem all that hard to implement something along these lines, and after a bit of poking around I wrote emacs-module.

The basic idea is to continue to follow the Emacs approach of prefixing symbol names — but not to require you to actually write out the full names of everything.  Instead, the module system intercepts load and friends to rewrite symbol names as lisp is loaded.

The symbol renaming is done in a simple way, following existing Emacs conventions.  This gives the nice result that existing code doesn’t need to be updated to use the module system directly.  That is, the module system recognizes name prefixes as “implicit” modules, based purely on the module name.

I’d say this is still a proof-of-concept.  I haven’t tried hairier cases, like defclass, and at least declare-function does not work but should.

Here’s the example from the docs:

(define-module testmodule :export (somevar))
(defvar somevar nil)
(defvar private nil)
(provide 'testmodule)

This defines the public variable testmodule-somevar and the “private” function testmodule--private.

Emacs verus notification area, again

Ages and ages I wrote about letting Emacs code access the notification area.  I have more to say about it now, but first I want to bore you with some rambling thoughts and some history.

The “notification area” is also called the “status icon area” or the “systray” — it is a spot that holds some icons that are under control of various applications.

I was a fan of the notification area since it first showed up in Gnome.  I recognized it instantly as the thing I wanted that I hadn’t realized I wanted.

Now, as you know, the notification area has fallen on hard times.  It’s been removed in Gnome 3… I searched a bit for the rationale for this deletion, which as far as I can tell is just that some applications abused it, whatever that means; or that it was used inconsistently, which I think the web has conclusively proven is fine by users.  Coming from the Emacs perspective, where one can customize the somewhat-equivalent of the status area (see those recent posts on diminishing minor-mode lighters in the mode line…), and where a certain amount of per-mode idiosyncrasy is the norm, these seem like an inadequate reasons.

However, the reason doesn’t really matter.  I love the notification area!  When I moved more of my daily desktop use back into Emacs (the tides are strong but slow, and take years to come in or go out), I hooked Emacs up to it, and made it a part of my basic configuration.

It’s indispensable now.  What I particularly like about it is that it is both noticeable and unobtrusive — the former because I can have the icons blink on important events, and the latter because the icons don’t move around or obscure other windows.

Ok!  You should use it!  And I totally plan to tell you how, but first some boring history.

My original post relied on a hacked version of the Gnome zenity utility.  This turned out to be a real pain over time.  I had to rebuild it periodically, adding hacks (once removing chunks), etc.  Sharing it with others was hard.  And, for whatever reason, the patches in Gnome bugzilla were completely ignored.  Bah.

A bit later I wrote a big patch to Emacs to put all this into the core.  That patch was rejected, more or less.  Bah two.

Then even later I flirted with KDE for a bit.  Yes.  KDE had the nice idea to expose the notification area via dbus, and Emacs could talk dbus… so I did the obvious thing in elisp.  However the KDE notification area was pretty buggy and in the end I had to abandon it as well.

So, it was back to zenity… until this week, during my funemployment.  I rewrote my hacks in Python.  This was so easy I wish I’d done it years and years ago.

I’m not sure what the moral of this story is.  Maybe that my obsession is your gain.  Or maybe that I have trouble letting go.

Anyway, the result is here, on github, or in marmalade.  You’ll need Python and the new (introspection-based) Python Gtk interfaces.  This of course is no trouble to install.  The package includes the base status icon API, plus basic UIs for ERC and EMMS.  Try it out and let me know what you think.

Another Mode Line Hack

While streamlining my mode line, I wrote another little mode-line feature that I thought of ages ago — using the background of the mode-line to indicate the current position in the buffer. I didn’t like this enough to use it, but I thought I’d post it since it was a fun hack.

First, make sure the current mode line is kept:

(defvar tromey-real-mode-line-format mode-line-format)

Now, make a little function that format the mode line using the standard rules and then applies a property depending on the current position in the buffer:

(defun tromey-compute-mode-line ()
  (let* ((width (frame-width))
     (line (substring 
        (concat (format-mode-line tromey-real-mode-line-format)
            (make-string width ? ))
        0 width)))
    ;; Quote "%"s.
    (setq line
      (mapconcat (lambda (c)
               (if (eq c ?%)
             ;; It's absurd that we must wrap this.
             (make-string 1 c)))
             line ""))

    (let ((start (window-start))
      (end (or (window-end) (point))))
      (add-face-text-property (round (* (/ (float start)
                    (length line)))
                  (round (* (/ (float end)
                    (length line)))
                  'region nil line))

We have to do this funny wrapping and “%”-quoting business here because the :eval form returns a mode line format — not just text — and because the otherwise appealing :propertize form doesn’t allow computations.

Also, I’ve never understood why mapconcat can’t handle a character result from the map function.  Anybody?

Now set this to be the mode line:

(setq-default mode-line-format '((:eval (tromey-compute-mode-line))))

The function above changes the background of the mode line corresponding to the current window’s start and end positions.  So, for example, here we are in the middle of a buffer that is bigger than the window:

Screenshot - 08222014 - 12:52:19 PM

I left this on for a bit but found it too distracting.  If you like it, use it. You might like to remove the mode-line-position stuff from the mode line, as it seems redundant with the visual display.

Streamlined Mode Line

The default mode line looks like this:

Screenshot - 08112014 - 01:57:07 PM

At least, it looks sort of like this if you ignore the lamenesses in the screenshot. If you’re like me you probably don’t remember what all these things mean, at least not without looking them up.  What’s that “U”?  Why the “:” or why three hyphens?

At a local Emacs meetup with Damon Haley and Greg Pfeil, Greg mentioned that he’d done some experiments on using unicode characters in his mode-line.  I decided to give it a try.

I took a good look at the above.  I rarely use any of it — I normally don’t care about the coding system or the line ending style.  I can’t remember the last time I had a buffer that was both read-only and modified.  The VC information, when it appears, is generally too verbose and doesn’t show me the one thing I need to know (see below).  And, though I do like to see the name of the major mode, I don’t really need to see most minor mode names; furthermore I like to have a bit of extra space so that I can use other modes that display information that I do want to see in the mode line.

What’s that VC thing?  Well, ordinarily you may see something like Git-master in the mode line. But, usually I already know the version control system being used — or even if I don’t know, I probably don’t care if I am using VC. By default the branch name is in there too. This can be quite long and seems to get stale when I switch branches; and anyway because I do a lot of work via vc-dir, I don’t really need this in every buffer anyway.

However, what is missing is that the mode-line won’t tell me if a buffer should be registered with version control but is not.  This is a pretty common source of errors.

So, first the code to deal with the VC state.  We need a bit more code than you might think, because the information we need isn’t already computed, and my tries to compute it while updating the mode line caused weird behavior.  Our rule for “should be registered” is “a VC back end claims this file, but the file isn’t actually registered”:

(defvar tromey-vc-mode nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'tromey-vc-mode)

(require 'vc)
(defun tromey-vc-command-hook (&rest args)
  (let ((file-name (buffer-file-name)))
    (setq tromey-vc-mode (and file-name
                  (not (vc-registered file-name))
                (vc-responsible-backend file-name))))))

(add-hook 'vc-post-command-functions #'tromey-vc-command-hook)
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'tromey-vc-command-hook)

(defun tromey-vc-info ()
  (if tromey-vc-mode
      (propertize (string #x26c3 32) 'face 'error)
    " "))

We’ll use that final function in the mode line. Note the odd character in there — my choice was U+26C3 (BLACK DRAUGHTS KING), since I thought it looked disk-drive-like — but you can easily replace it with something else. (Also note the weirdness of using string rather than a string constant. This is just for WordPress’ benefit as its editor kept mangling the actual character.)

To deal with minor modes, I used diminish. This made it easy to remove any display of some modes that I don’t care to know about, and replace the name of some others with a single character:

(require 'diminish)
(diminish 'abbrev-mode)
(diminish 'projectile-mode)
(diminish 'eldoc-mode)
(diminish 'flyspell-mode (string 32 #x2708))
(diminish 'auto-fill-function (string 32 #xa7))
(diminish 'isearch-mode (string 32 #x279c))

Here flyspell is U+2708 (AIRPLANE), auto-fill is U+00A7 (SECTION SIGN), and isearch is U+279C (HEAVY ROUND-TIPPED RIGHTWARDS ARROW).  Haha, Unicode names.

I wanted to try out which-func-mode, now that I had extra space on the mode line, so:

(setq which-func-unknown "")

Finally, we can use all the above and remove some other things from the mode line at the same time:

(setq-default mode-line-format
		(:eval (if (buffer-modified-p)
			   (propertize (string #x21a7) 'face 'error)
			 " "))
		(:eval (tromey-vc-info))
		" " mode-line-buffer-identification
		"   " mode-line-position
		"  " mode-line-modes

The “modified” character in there is U+21A7 (DOWNWARDS ARROW FROM BAR).

Here’s how it looks normally (another badly cropped screenshot):

Screenshot - 08112014 - 08:42:33 PM

Here’s how it looks when the file is not registered with the version control system:

Screenshot - 08112014 - 08:43:04 PM

And here’s how it looks when the file is also modified:

Screenshot - 08112014 - 08:43:39 PM

Occasionally I run into some other minor mode I want to diminish, but this is easily done by editing it into my .emacs and evaluating it for immediate effect.

Difficulties of elisp

The thesis that underlies my project to translate the Emacs C code to Common Lisp is that Emacs Lisp is close enough to Common Lisp that the parts of the Emacs C code that implement Lisp can be dropped in favor of the generally superior CL implementation.  This is generally true, but there are a few difficult bits.


The primary problem is the translation of symbols when used as variable references.  Consider this code:

(defvar global 73)
(defun function (argument)
  (let ((local (something-else))
    (+ local argument global)))

More is going on here than meets the eye.

First, Emacs Lisp uses dynamic binding by default (optional lexical binding is a new feature in Emacs 24).  This applies to function arguments as well as other bindings.  So, you might think you could translate this straightforwardly to:

(defvar global 73)
(declare (special global))
(defun function (argument)
  (declare (special argument))
  (let ((local (something-else))
    (declare (special local))
    (+ local argument global)))

This was the approach taken by elisp.lisp; it defined macros for let and let* (but forgot defun) to do the dirty work:

(defmacro el::let* ((&rest vars) &rest forms)
  "Emacs-Lisp version of `let*' (everything special)."
  `(let* ,vars (declare (special ,@(mapcar #'from-list vars))) ,@forms))

But not so fast!  Emacs also has buffer-local variables.  These are variables where the value is associated with the current buffer; switching buffers makes a different binding visible to Lisp.  These require no special syntax, and a variable can be made buffer-local at any time.  So, we can break the above translation simply by evaluating:

(make-local-variable 'global)
(setq global 0)

Whoops!  Now the function will return the wrong result — the translation will have no way to know that is should refer to the buffer-local value.  (Well, ok, pretend that the setq magically worked somehow…)

My idea for implementing this is pretty convoluted.  Actually I have two ideas, one “user” and one “kernel”:


I think it is possible to use define-symbol-macro on all symbols that come from Elisp, so that we can tell the CL compiler about the real implementation.  However, a symbol can either be treated as a variable, or it can be treated as a symbol-macro — not both at the same time.  So, we will need a second location of some kind to store the real value.  Right now I’m thinking a symbol in another package, but maybe a cons or some other object would work better. In either case, we’d need a macro, a setf method for its expansion, and some extra-tricky redefinitions of let and defun to account for this change.

This would look something like:

(define-symbol-macro global (elisp:get-elisp-value 'global))
(defsetf elisp:get-elisp-value elisp:set-elisp-value))
;; Details left as an exercise for the reader.

This solution then has to be applied to buffer-, keyboard-, and frame-local variables.


The kernel method is a lot simpler to explain: hack a Common Lisp implementation to directly know about buffer-locals.  SMOP!  But on the whole I think this approach is to be less preferred.

Other Problems

Emacs Lisp also freely extends other typical data types with custom attributes.  I consider this part of the genius of Emacs; a more ordinary program would work within the strictures of some defined, external language, but Emacs is not so cautious or constrained.  (Emacs is sort of a case study in breaking generally accepted rules of programming; which makes one wonder whether those rules are any good at all.)

So, for example, strings in Emacs have properties as a built-in component.  The solution here is simple — we will just translate the Emacs string data type as a whole, something we probably have to do anyway, because Emacs also has its own idiosyncratic approach to different encodings.

In elisp, aref can be used to access elements of other vector-like objects, not just arrays; there are some other odd little cases like this.  This is also easily handled; but it left me wondering why things like aref aren’t generic methods in CL. It often seems to me that a simpler, more orthogonal language lies inside of CL, struggling to get free. I try not to think these thoughts, though, as that way lies Scheme and the ridiculous fragmentation that has left Lisp unpopular.

Emacs and Common Lisp, Part 2

This is a followup to my earlier post on converting the Emacs C code into Common Lisp.  This one is a bit more technical, diving into some specifics of the conversion process.


One important fact is that we do not need to convert an arbitrary C program to Common Lisp.  This might or might not be efficiently possible — but we do not care.  We only need to convert Emacs.  This is simpler for two reasons.  First, we can just ignore any C construct that Emacs does not use.  If the translator barfs after some new update, we can fix it then.  Second, Emacs itself is already written in a relatively Lispy style, being a Lisp implementation itself.  We further exploit this by allowing the translator to know some details about Emacs.  As a trivial example, all the Smumble globals created by the DEFUN marco need not be translated into Common Lisp as structure constants — they are an artifact of the implementation, and will show up directly in the generated defuns instead.

What to ignore

A good portion of Emacs is simply redundant in the CL world.  There are a few types (cons, vector, integers, functions) that are shareable — in fact, sharing these is part of the goal of this effort.  There are also a number of functions which are effectively identical.  There are also entire redundant modules, like the garbage collector, or the bytecode interpreter.

The question is how to have the translator differentiate between what is useful and what is not, without breaking builds of future versions of Emacs.

I don’t currently think there is a high road to solving this problem.  For modules like the GC, I plan to have ad hoc translator rules for the particular source files.  For functions and data types, I’m adding new GCC attributes that I can use to mark the ignorable definitions.


There are two type-related issues that arise when translating the source.

First, how should Emacs-specific types be represented?  Primarily these types are structures, like struct buffer or struct string (we cannot use the CL string type, because Emacs adds properties directly to the string, and Emacs has its own idiosyncratic character handling).  My answer here is to just straightforwardly translate them to defstruct.

The other question is when translating a C function, what do we do with the types of local variables?  For the most part I am pretending that they don’t exist.  This works fine except for local arrays and structures, but these are easily handled by initializing variables properly. My rationale is that while this is slower, it lets me get something working more quickly, and we can always update the translator to emit CL type declarations later on.

This simple approach doesn’t actually cover all the needed cases.  For example, there is code in Emacs that takes the address of a local variable and passes it somewhere.  This is easy to deal with; much of the remaining work is just digging through the code looking for special cases to clean up.

I’m similarly omitting type declarations from the generated structures.  One possible nice side effect of this approach is that it will make it easier to lift Emacs’ file-size restrictions, because there will no longer be any code assuming that the size is a fixnum.


Many low-level details of the Emacs implementation are hidden in macros.  For example, Emacs stuffs some type information into the low-order bits of pointers.  It uses macros to add or remove this information.  For this build, I redefine these macros to do nothing.  This makes the GCC Gimple representation much closer to the abstract meaning of the program, and thus simpler to translate.

There are also some macros that are useful to redefine so that we can more easily hook into them from the translator.  For example, Emacs has a C macro INTEGERP that is used to check whether its argument is an integer.  Normally this macro uses bit twiddling to get its answer, but I redefine it like so:

extern Lisp_Object *INTEGERP (Lisp_Object)


The translator is not nearly complete, but it can already do a fair job at translating simple functions.  For example, here is “forward-point” from the Emacs C code:

DEFUN ("forward-point", Fforward_point, Sforward_point, 1, 1, 0,
       doc: /* Return buffer position N characters after (before if N negative) point.  */)
  (Lisp_Object n)

  return make_number (PT + XINT (n));

Here is what the translator comes up with:

(defun Fforward_point (n)
  (let (
    (block nil (tagbody
        ; no gimple here
        ; no gimple here
        (setf temp-var-0 (integerp n))
        (if (== temp-var-0 nil)
          (go bb-3)
          (go bb-4))
        (setf Qintegerp.316 Qintegerp)
        (wrong_type_argument Qintegerp.316 n)
        (setf current_buffer.317 current_buffer)
        (setf temp-var-2 (buffer-pt current_buffer.317))
        (setf temp-var-1 (+ temp-var-2 n))
        (return temp-var-1)

(defun elisp:forward-point (arg0)
  (Fforward_point arg0))

The output looks pretty weird, because the translator works after GCC’s CFG is built, and so the most straightforward translation is to use this mess with tagbody.  I doubt this matters much, but in any case the translator is readily hackable — it is still less than 400 lines of Python, including comments.

One thing to note is the translation of “PT“.  This is actually a macro that refers to the current buffer:

#define PT (current_buffer->pt + 0)

The translator properly turns this into a reference to “buffer-pt“.

Another detail is the handling of packages.  My plan is to put the Emacs implementation into one package, and then any elisp into a second package called “elisp“.  A DEFUN in the C code will actually generate two functions: the internal one, and the elisp-visible one; hence the “elisp:” in the translation.

Next Steps

There’s still a good amount of work to be done.  The converter punts on various constructs; type translation is implemented but not actually wired up to anything; the translator should emit definitions for alien functions; and plenty more.

Emacs and Common Lisp

Recently I’ve been thinking about how to rebase Emacs on Common Lisp.

First, why rebase?  Performance is the biggest reason.  Emacs Lisp is a very basic lisp implementation.  It has a primitive garbage collector and basic execution model, and due to how it is written, it is quite hard to improve this in place.

Seccond, why Common Lisp?  Two reasons: first, Emacs Lisp resembles Common Lisp in many ways; elisp is like CL’s baby brother.  Second, all of the hard problems in Lisp execution have already been solved excellently by existing, free-software CL implementations.  In particular, the good CL implementations have much better garbage collectors, native compilation, threads, and FFI; we could expose the latter two to elisp in a straightforward way.

By “rebase” I mean something quite ambitious — rewrite the C source of Emacs into Common Lisp.  I think this can largely be automated via a GCC plugin (e.g., written using David Malcolm’s Python plugin).  Full automation would let the CL port be just another way to build Emacs, following the upstream development directly until all the Emacs maintainers can be convinced to drop C entirely (cough, cough).

Part of the rewrite would be dropping code that can be shared with CL.  For example, we don’t need to translate the Emacs implementation of “cons“, we can just use the CL one.

Some CL glue would be needed to make this all work properly.  These days it can’t be quite as small as elisp.lisp, but it still would not need to be very big.  The trickiest problem is dealing with buffer-local variables; but I think that can be done by judicious use of define-symbol-macro in the elisp reader.

Emacs might be the only program in the world that would see a performance improvement from rewriting in CL :-).  The reason for this is simple: Emacs’ performance is largely related to how well it executes lisp code, and how well the GC works.