
Since I heard about it on the local tv news last week, I’ve been reading a bit of Pond Patrol. The writing isn’t too hot, but the photos are fun and it is made in Denver.

Benjamin directed me to vertical gardens. The wallpaper garden is super cool.

Since Christmas is approaching, turducken is once again on my mind. Of course, I’m vegetarian, so I don’t eat the stuff — but the idea does inform my cookie-making. Also I’ve been thinking of turducken as a more general meal paradigm; say a few birds wrapped in lettuce (the salad) with ice cream or custard (dessert) on the inside. Or turducken soup, where the soup is in the middle. Yum.

Dates is most of what I’m looking for in a calendaring application. It is actually a little bit too minimal: no synchronization for one thing. The “zooming” GUI is nice.

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