I’m about to disappear for a while to get married, so there most likely won’t be posts here for a while.
On another subject entirely… last year I realized that there doesn’t seem to be a very easy way to get an overview of all the free software conferences going on worldwide. The last week or so I’ve spent some time digging up links and dates and whatnot and putting them into a google calendar. This isn’t ready to be unveiled but I thought I’d put the idea out there. I’m not sure exactly how I want to deploy it yet — plain google calendar? A web site with extra features? Your idea here — what would be most useful?
Also once it is up I’d appreciate info on what I’ve missed. I’ll probably set up a new mail alias for that.
Congrats and good luck, dude.
Whatever you do, make sure it has an iCal feed so it can slot into desktop-client calendars.
Congratulations Tom, best of luck to the two of you.
Wonderful, congratulations!
Oh, also: you about LWN’s calendar? http://lwn.net/Calendar/ , and also in each weekly issue: e.g., http://lwn.net/Articles/203091/
Congratulations and happy wedding to the two of you!
Auguri Tom!! 🙂