Auto-tools Slides

I’ve uploaded the slides from my auto-tools talk at NCLUG last night. I had a great time up there, as always, though I missed Bob Proulx this time.

I thought the talk went well. It was a gentle intro to the auto-tools: what they do, how to read the common bits, where to get more information. If you want a really thorough tutorial I recommend reading Alexandre’s 550 slides.


  • Fun slides. Thanks for the pointer to Alexandre’s stack. It is very impressive *and* up to date. Could you talk him into updating the goat book? 🙂

  • Gary Vaughan seems to add updates to the Goat Book now and then, but nothing too major.
    I was wondering whether this would be better tackled as a wiki.

  • “Truth in advertising” please 🙂 Alexandre’s slide set has 162 slides. That’s still carries quite a heft, but I almost got scared at the thought of going through 550 slides 🙂 Granted, I still have to hit the spacebar 550 times to go through the presentation.

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