News on the gcjx front: Dalibor pointed out that it couldn’t build
kaffe, so I fixed a lot of bugs (and added an iconv
converter). Now it all compiles; there seem to be some runtime
problems, but neither of us has looked into it yet.
I’ve got a big unfinished patch to add line numbers to the
bytecode as well as trampolines when required. The latter is the last
known remaining bytecode generation issue. (The story is, an inner
class can reference a private member of its outer class, but in this
case you need to generate a non-private accessor method.) I haven’t
had time to finish this up, and unfortunately at the moment gcc cvs
head doesn’t work well for C++.
I also made a branch to hold the multi-threading code. This
doesn’t work yet (Benjamin’s libthread++ isn’t quite ready for
checkin), but the idea is there. In theory with libthread++ in place
you could run multiple parses in parallel, and also multiple code
generators. Semantic analysis is still single-threaded — making this
work will require quite a bit more surgery.
I heard a couple of nice C++ rumors on the gcc list recently (no
links since is down presently).
Answering an earlier question of mine, one rumor says that a
future standard may allow the use of explicit
user-define conversion operators. If so, nice (though I don’t really
give this rumor much credence).
Second, apparently there is a proposal from Bjarne to simplify
iterations — call it the C++ answer to foreach
for (auto i = collection.begin (); i != collection.end (); ++i) whatever;
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